EXTRA VINDICTIVE: Bob Ferguson blocked me from getting expert legal defense for free. Institute for Free Speech offered to represent me pro bono but AG stopped them. The appeal on the AG’s obstruction was today in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Fri, Oct 7, 2022
Former state supreme court justice Richard Sanders is doing a fantastic job defending me and appealing this case.
I’ve been reporting on his great work for years.
But it’s important for you to know that almost two years ago, the Institute for Free Speech (IFS), a public interest organization that provides pro bono legal representation to citizens who are attacked by the government over their First Amendment rights, offered to represent me for free.
They wanted to do so because of the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling that declared that I, Tim Eyman, am no longer a person — that in 2012 I was retroactively transformed into a “continuing political committee.”
This has never happened in Washington state history nor US history.
No government has ever stripped someone of their personhood and designated them, individually, as a one-person PAC.
IFS was eager to tackle this idiocy and to do so at no charge.
But Bob Ferguson blocked them from doing so.
IFS appealed that.
Earlier today, I posted this:
Tomorrow I’ll be able to share the video of today’s hearing.
Please — I implore you to donate to my legal defense fund so we can overturn the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional restrictions on the First Amendment.
With your help, I will continue to fight for the people with initiatives in Washington and other states, with lawsuits, with lobbying legislators, and with helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.
Thank you for supporting me and being in my corner so I can continue to do what I was born to do.
I love you all.
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By PayPal
By PayPal (credit/debit card)
And now a message from Larry Jensen & Sid Maietto:
We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can keep fighting for taxpayers with Jim Walsh’s initiative I-1491, the STOP ALL INCOME TAXES INITIATIVE.
The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:
Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense I-1491” — to: Permanent Offense, PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online: PermanentOffense.com
Kindest Regards,
Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen
— END —
Thanks everyone.
Larry, Tim, & Sid
P.S. Again, please donate to my legal defense fund today:
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By PayPal
By PayPal (credit/debit card)
[…] former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws and…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws…
[…] is deserving of its cherished reputation? With this unfathomable, fiction-worthy, but factual episode playing out in Washington, perhaps the rank hypocrisy…
[…] In the past 22 years, by working together with our thousands of heroic supporters, we’ve qualified 17 statewide initiatives…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious…