Join me/us tomorrow, Tues, Feb 4, 3pm, & Fri, Feb 7, 830am court hearing on I-976

by | Feb 3, 2020

  • 3 times the voters have passed initiatives lowering vehicle costs.

    The election results for Initiative 976 showed overwhelming public support:

    • Statewide voters: 53% yes
    • King County voters outside Seattle: 52% yes
    • Snohomish County voters: 58% yes
    • Pierce County voters: 66% yes
    • Voters in 8 counties topped 70% support
    • Statewide voters outside Seattle: 57% yes
    • 38 counties outside King: 59% yes
    • Seattle’s no vote: 76%

    And this chart shows all 49 senators and 98 house members and the level of voter support for I-976 in each of their legislative districts:



    Tues, Feb 4, 3pm, legislative hearing on Sen. Steve O’Ban’s “real deal” $30 Tabs bill

    With a Jay-Inslee-appointed judge blocking I-976, Sen. Steve O’Ban is doing what voters want: respecting our vote and pushing a bill that implements all the policies in Initiative 976. It’s the same thing Governor Gary Locke did 20 years ago. Steve’s bill gets rid of vehicle taxes and fees imposed by state government, eliminates vehicle fees imposed by cities, eliminates Sound Transit’s dishonest vehicle taxes, and repeals the current dishonest vehicle valuation schedule and requires future vehicle taxes be calculated using Kelley Blue Book.

    Steve O’Ban’s bill is the real deal because it implements all of I-976, not just some of it. Voters deserve what they voted for. It is for this reason that all of us strongly support Sen. O’Ban’s efforts to implement the will of the people (thanks also to the bill’s co-sponsors Becker, Braun, Honeyford, Padden, Warnick, Zeiger, Holy, & Short and a sincere thank you to Sen. Steve Hobbs for giving the bill a hearing).

    Senate Bill 6245 ( is scheduled for a public hearing tomorrow, Tues, Feb 4, Cherberg Bldg, Olympia – I’ll be there at 3pm to sign in — the hearing itself starts at 3:30pm. I invite you to join me/us as we testify strongly in favor of Steve’s bill. I hope you’ll show up early (around 3pm) so I can thank you for all your help. It’ll also be a great chance to meet and thank Steve for fighting for us.

    Jay Inslee called voters stupid, said we were “confused”, and told us to “move on” and “sit down”:

    We’re all being forced to pay dishonest taxes and fees because Jay Inslee refuses to implement I-976 and is not supporting Steve’s bill.

    I hope you can join me/us in Olympia tomorrow for the hearing on Steve’s “real deal” bill.



    Also, please join me/us this Fri, Feb 7, for the court hearing on I-976. It’s at the King County courthouse, 516 3rd Ave, 7th floor, Seattle.

    Since seating is limited, I strongly urge everyone to be there at 8:30am when the courtroom doors open (the hearing itself will start at 9am).

    Yes, King County’s Kangaroo Court is an absurd farce. It’s where Seattle is suing the voters, Bob Ferguson is sabotaging I-976, and a Jay-Inslee-appointed judge — whose employer is the plaintiff — is deciding it.

    But fortunately for the voters, super citizen Clint Didier has intervened in the case and his attorney Stephen Pidgeon will be participating and he’s there fighting to win. So it’s important that we have as many pro-$30 tabs voters there as possible. There is strength in numbers. Let’s stand together at this critical time.

    Please do 2 things right now:

    1. If you appreciate my efforts defending our $30 Tabs Initiative, please donate $30 to my run for Governor (go here and do it right now: I guarantee that you donating $30 today will drive Bob Ferguson absolutely nuts.
    2. Forward/share today’s update and this “one page” about my race for Governor: Contact people you know who can’t stand the idea of 4 more years of Jay Inslee. Ask them to kick in $30. You are my ambassadors, you are my emissaries. We’re building an extraordinary team and we need everyone’s help to make sure this campaign a success.

    Isn’t it worth $30 to drive Bob Ferguson crazy? If you agree, then donate $30 today ( and convince others to do the same.

    I make you this promise: support me in this effort and I’ll give you a race for Governor like you’ve never seen before.

    I love you all.


    P.S. Support my efforts to defend I-976 by donating $30 today: And please forward this update and this “one page” to your family, friends, and co-workers ( Thanks very much!