


ARIZONA INITIATIVE ON ELECTION INTEGRITY SUCCESSFUL: voters in Nov vote on it. When it passes, prez election in 2024 & beyond in AZ will be fair.Mon, Sept 26, 2022 A few days ago, I told you about our successful initiative in Michigan. Now I'm going to tell you...

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BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN -- I was in court yesterday battling with Bob Ferguson again. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."I posted this yesterday morning before the court hearing started: Bob Ferguson wanted to keep the Democrats' $3.9 billion Cap &...

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The AG screwed up and I’m suing him for it.

The AG screwed up and I’m suing him for it.

The AG screwed up and I'm suing him for it. Lawsuit was filed yesterday. Eyman v Ferguson is all about getting the AG to stop violating the law.July 23, 2022 The AG screwed up and I'm suing him for it. The lawsuit was filed yesterday. Papers were filed with the clerk...

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It was a hard decision, but it was the right decision: we delayed turning in signatures for the Michigan Election Integrity Initiative until we can build up a bigger cushion of extra signatures.

It was a hard decision, but it was the right decision: we delayed turning in signatures for the Michigan Election Integrity Initiative until we can build up a bigger cushion of extra signatures.

It was a hard decision, but it was the right decision: we delayed turning in signatures for the Michigan Election Integrity Initiative until we can build up a bigger cushion of extra signatures. So we will spend a few more weeks collecting more. We only have one shot...

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Final push on Memorial Day

Final push on Memorial Day

Riley & I were invited to stay in Michigan. Final push for this historic Election Integrity Initiative is now (photo ID to vote, last 4 of social security # to vote, no more ballot harvesting). Turn-in of voter signatures / petitions is this Wed, June 1 to...

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It went badly for the liberals in court yesterday.

It went badly for the liberals in court yesterday.

It went badly for the liberals in court yesterday. My lawsuit against their 5 initiatives pays off by highlighting a major screw up by them. Here's my report on yesterday's hearing.Sat, May 21, 2022 So yesterday, I'm in a parking lot of a Michigan Target store with my...

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How vindictive is this prosecution?

How vindictive is this prosecution?

How vindictive is this prosecution? The AG blocked me from getting free legal help. This court filing explains how they did it.Thurs, April 21, 2022 Your prayers and moral support are needed and appreciated today. I owe Richard Sanders' law firm nearly $500,000 for...

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CRUSHING VICTORY AT FRIDAY'S HEARING: massive # of folks AGAINST anti-initiative bill: 857 con, 37 in-person pro. WATCH short video of my testimony (and video of a nut job saying "Tim Eyman can go to hell"). So proud of all of you for your massive mobilization against...

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TELL LEGISLATORS: Pay-per-mile-tax? Are you flippin' kidding me? $30 tabs yes, PPM tax no! Watch my brief testimony against bill imposing a pay-per-mile tax. Click on image above to watch my very brief testimony against the bill imposing new Pay-Per-Mile Taxes. If...

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Send your prayers and positive vibes my way.

Send your prayers and positive vibes my way.

Send your prayers and positive vibes my way. Court hearing today. My lawsuit against the Governor for abuse of power. I'm not an attorney but I can read out loud (my opening brief).Fri, Jan 21, 2022 Has there EVER been a Governor who's needed to be confronted /...

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Court hearing tomorrow in Olympia (Eyman vs Inslee)

Court hearing tomorrow in Olympia (Eyman vs Inslee)

Court hearing tomorrow on my lawsuit against the Governor for abuse of power -- read the details here. And join me Fri, Jan 21, 9am in Olympia for the decision.Thurs, January 20, 2022 Has there EVER been a Governor who's needed to be confronted / challenged more than...

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Tomorrow’s court hearing changed to next Friday.

Tomorrow’s court hearing changed to next Friday.

Tomorrow's court hearing on my lawsuit challenging Inslee for abuse of power has been changed to next Friday. Hope you'll join me then.  ANTI-INITIATIVE BILLS GET HEARING. Tell legislators: keep your dirty hands off the citizens' initiative process. It's ours, not...

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My lawsuit challenging Inslee's abuse of power stops Inslee's costly Carbon Taxes. JOIN ME FOR COURT HEARING & JUDGE'S DECISION THIS FRI, 9AM, OLYMPIAJOIN ME FOR COURT HEARING & JUDGE'S DECISION: Fri, Jan 14, 9:00am, Thurston County Courthouse, 2000 Lakeridge...

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Help us deter Olympia from raising taxes

Help us deter Olympia from raising taxes

We can't stop Inslee's Tax Increases if we don't know about them -- EVERYONE sign up NOW! Monday, January 10, 2022Hang onto your wallets -- taxpayers are never safe when politicians are working in Olympia.  And their 60 day legislative session started TODAY! Over the...

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Voter approved 20 years ago & still the law today

Voter approved 20 years ago & still the law today

Voter approved 20 years ago and still the law today: 1% cap on property tax increases. It's saved taxpayers $17.23 billion. Old article shows why AG wants to take away our house.Wed, Jan 5, 2022 Another reason Fascist Fergie wants to take away our house: for decades,...

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My attorney Richard Sanders is a bulldog

My attorney Richard Sanders is a bulldog

My attorney Richard Sanders is a bulldog.  I'm so lucky to have such a fierce advocate in my corner. He keeps calling out Fascist Fergie's lies.Thurs, Dec 23, 2021 In a recent filing with the state supreme court, my brilliant attorney Richard Sanders wrote:  "It may...

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Your prayers for me & my family greatly appreciated!

Your prayers for me & my family greatly appreciated!

Your prayers for me & my family greatly appreciated! Here's what happened in bankruptcy court yesterday: evil AG continued his bleed-me-dry-scheme. Only because of your support have I been able to keep fighting back.Fri, Nov 18th, 2021 I attended yesterday's...

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JOIN ME IN OLYMPIA TODAY @ 3PM, I'm filing a lawsuit against the Guvna (Eyman v Inslee) to stop his costly Low Carbon Fuel Standard and destructive Cap & Tax Scheme. And guess who will be defending Inslee's unconstitutional actions? Fascist Fergie. So it's...

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Inslee has lied to us 58 billion times.

Inslee has lied to us 58 billion times.

  Inslee has lied to us 58 billion times. Despite repeated promises to veto any tax increase, he never did. Not even once. He's signed into law $58.1 billion in higher taxes. How do we know that? Tax advisory votes.    Fri, Nov 12th, 2021 Despite...

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Commentary by KIRO’s Dori Monson

Commentary by KIRO’s Dori Monson

Commentary by KIRO's Dori Monson: "Say what you will about Eyman, but he's no quitter." Read his commentary and listen to his interview of me here.Sat, Nov 6th, 2021 Listen to his interview here (click on image) -- it aired on Friday: If that doesn't work, click on...

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HUGE CAR TABS VICTORY: spurred by voters' approval of I-976, the Lynnwood City Council votes to lower car tabs. Watch my brief testimony. Big win!Wed, Oct 27th, 2021 Before the council voted, public testimony was given. I got to go first. Watch my short testimony here...

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Voters will vote on capital gains tax

Voters will vote on capital gains tax

Voters will vote on capital gains tax -- advisory vote on it this year -- but to actually repeal it, we need Jim Walsh's I-1408 on Nov 2022 ballot."I honestly think he is the only one who gets anything done," Mike Dunmire said. SEATTLE TIMES, June 9, 2006 Tues, Oct...

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JOIN ME & SID & LARRY AS WE LAUNCH NEW INITIATIVE -- rally and press conference tomorrow (Thurs, Sept 9th), 11am, Sec of State's office, 520 Union Ave SE, Olympia. You're gonna love it!Wed, Sept 8, 2021 Like I wrote yesterday: "This is gonna be a huge week...

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 BOMBSHELL ANNOUNCEMENTS THIS WEEK ON INITIATIVES. First, Michigan Election Integrity Initiative filed! This one of those 7 initiatives I'm working on.Tues, Sept 7, 2021 This is gonna be a huge week when it comes to BOMBSHELL ANNOUNCEMENTS ON INITIATIVES!  The first...

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Fascist Fergie only threw gas on the fire.

Fascist Fergie only threw gas on the fire.

Fascist Fergie only threw gas on the fire.  MY PRIORITIES: Lower Taxes Initiatives & Election Integrity Initiatives and fighting back against the AG. Video interview here.Tues, Aug 31, 2021 It's the last day of the month and so I implore you to give to my legal...

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GREAT PICS: Sunday’s Election Integrity Forum

GREAT PICS: Sunday’s Election Integrity Forum

GREAT PICS: Sunday's Election Integrity Forum: massive turnout of patriots demanding 2020 audit of WA's election. Really impressive presentations.When it comes to getting rid of Inslee's capital gains income tax by initiative, good news is coming -- stay tuned --...

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I MADE A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT @ SUNDAY'S KING COUNTY GOP PICNIC: I'm part of team doing 7 voter integrity initiatives in 7 key swing states. Fascist Fergie's abuse of power has only inspired me to work harder.At Sunday's King County GOP picnic, I made a big announcement...

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Great pictures from Sunday’s GOP picnic.

Great pictures from Sunday’s GOP picnic.

Great pics from Sunday's GOP picnic. So many fantastic friends in Pierce County. Riley and I had a blast. Good fundraiser for my legal defense fund. A great big thank you to Dave McMullen, Pierce County GOP Chair for putting together Sunday's event. He's an awesome...

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EYMAN VS FERGUSON appeal filed on Friday

EYMAN VS FERGUSON appeal filed on Friday

EYMAN VS FERGUSON appeal filed on Friday @455pm - you helped make it happen - here it is -- read it for yourself. Richard Sanders did a great job! Also, Pierce County GOP picnic fundraiser for my legal defense fund is tomorrow (Sun, Aug 1st @ 2:30pm @ Puyallup Elks...

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FINAL DAYS FOR APPEAL -- please help me fight back against the AG's ridiculously unconstitutional rulings. Final briefs must be filed on Friday. Also, Pierce County GOP picnic fundraiser for my legal defense fund is this Sun @ 2:30pm @ Puyallup Elks Field.Wed, July...

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A great success story!

A great success story!

A great success story: the initiative that reduced the King County Council from 13 politicians to 9. My first opportunity to promote ideas by others.The King County Corrections Guild (the jail guards) sponsored Initiative 18 in 2003 to reduce the number of politicians...

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Read Richard Sanders’ public statement on my appeal.

Read Richard Sanders’ public statement on my appeal.

Read Richard Sanders' public statement on my appeal. I'm very grateful to him for taking my case.I'm very grateful to Richard Sanders for taking my case. Because of the AG's bullying of my previous attorney, I was forced to defend myself for nearly 9 months. Without...

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Personal Appeal From Tim Eyman

Personal Appeal From Tim Eyman

Our initiatives have saved taxpayers over $46 BILLION so far. We’ve saved taxpayers even more by stopping new taxes w/ our 2/3-vote-to-raise-taxes initiatives.   For 22 years, we’ve never quit, we’ve never stopped, we always kept moving forward.   We have to treat my...

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Appeal deadline still looms (Thurs, July 15)

Appeal deadline still looms (Thurs, July 15)

Appeal deadline still looms (Thurs, July 15) -- plz help -- taxpayers have saved $29.7 billion from lower car tab taxes because of our efforts.Mon, July 12, 2021 After our first voter-approved initiative that banned government-sponsored racist affirmative action, we...

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ALL MY CHIPS ARE ON THE TABLE: I'm "all in" to appeal the AG's ridiculously unconstitutional rulings - but I need your help to get it done.Wed, July 7, 2021 I owe my attorney Richard Sanders $305K. We came to an agreement that he'll file the notice of appeal only if I...

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COMPLETE VICTORY: Eyman beats Ferguson in Court

COMPLETE VICTORY: Eyman beats Ferguson in Court

COMPLETE VICTORY: Eyman beats Ferguson in court -- judge sides w/me on Carbon Tax InitiativeFri, July 2, 2021   The judge sided with me and agreed the AG's ballot title for the Carbon Tax Initiative was biased and filled with loaded language.   Here's how...

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My Brief Recap of Friday’s Court Hearing

My Brief Recap of Friday’s Court Hearing

OK, it wasn't as exciting as skydiving but that court hearing was a helluva rush! My brief recap of Friday's (very successful) legal challenge to (very corrupt) AG Ferguson.Mon, June 28, 2021 Initiatives are written by citizens. The AG writes the descriptions (called...

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My report on last night’s event — IT WAS AWESOME!

My report on last night’s event — IT WAS AWESOME!

My report on last night's event -- IT WAS AWESOME! Wed, June 9, 2021 Had a great time with superstar activist Glen Morgan at the Eastside Republican Club meeting last night:  As you know, I’m in a political death match with the Attorney General who is hell-bent to...

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LAST MINUTE INVITATION: Join me & superstar activist Glen Morgan @ event tonite (Tues), 630pm, Renton -- it's gonna be awesome! Sponsored by Eastside Republican Club (love Doug Bassler!)Tues, June 8, 2021 Join superstar activist Glen Morgan & I at the Eastside...

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Bob Ferguson hates these women.

Bob Ferguson hates these women.

Bob Ferguson hates these women. The AG is targeting these women. He's preying on these women. Why? Because they're close to me.WARNING: IF YOU'RE A WOMAN WHO IS CLOSE TO ME, BOB FERGUSON IS COMING AFTER YOU. Before the trial, Cheryl Marshall, a single widowed mother...

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Capital Gains Tax court battle, Fri, May 21, 3:30pm

Capital Gains Tax court battle, Fri, May 21, 3:30pm

In-person court battle over our initiative that kills off Inslee's newly passed income tax, Fri, May 21st, 3:30pm, Thurston County Superior Court. I'm fighting AG in court over his description of our initiative (prayers please).Unlike all previous Attorney Generals,...

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Unexpected 2nd Amendment victories this session

Unexpected 2nd Amendment victories this session

Unexpected 2nd Amendment victories this session -- the good guys stopped a lot of anti-2A bad bills including Ferguson's top legislative priority. It was an all-out assault on 2A rights this session. And rallies were banned and so was in-person testimony. That's what...

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Bob Ferguson is a Cowardly Bully

Bob Ferguson is a Cowardly Bully

Bob Ferguson is a cowardly bully. Using unlimited government resources going after political adversaries is easy. I choose to challenge the powerful. Fri, April 16, 2021 This will be my 23rd year utilizing the initiative process to let the voters decide on protecting...

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SKYROCKETING PROPERTY TAX BILL STILL ALIVE: everyone needs to email legislators NOW and tell them to oppose House Bill 1362Wed, March 31, 2021 When I alerted everyone about House Bill 1362 a few weeks ago, it had a huge response. SKYROCKETING PROPERTY TAXES would be...

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The Democrats’ Trap: PART 3

The Democrats’ Trap: PART 3

The Democrats' Trap: PART 3 (Inslee's Income Tax and how our side shouldn't fall for their trap)Wed, March 24, 2021 The Democrats have set a trap with Inslee's Income Tax bill (ESSB 5096) and I'm doing everything I can to get our side to not fall for it. I first wrote...

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LISTEN TO IT HERE – my interview on KGMI Radio.

LISTEN TO IT HERE – my interview on KGMI Radio.

LISTEN TO IT HERE - my interview on KGMI radio (Inslee's Income Tax bill, AG lawsuit) -- give me your feedback.Mon, March 22, 2021 Click on the image to listen to it: If that doesn't work, try this: https://youtu.be/l0aQbR_G-lE Here's the first caller:  Rich from...

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The Democrats Trap – Part 2

The Democrats Trap – Part 2

The Democrats Trap - Part 2 (here's the biggest difference between a referendum and an initiative to get rid of Inslee's Income Tax bill)Wed, March 10, 2021 Does anyone doubt that Democrat Attorney General Bob Ferguson will move heaven and earth to get Inslee's Income...

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Tell Bob Ferguson to Stop Spamming You

Tell Bob Ferguson to Stop Spamming You

Tell Bob Ferguson to Stop Spamming You. Tues, Feb 23, 2021 To: Our thousands of supporters throughout the state (cc'd to the media, house & senate members, & governor) From: Tim Eyman, Sid Maietto, Larry Jensen, co-sponsors of the "We Don't Want An Income Tax...

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Democrats just passed Inslee’s income tax bill

Democrats just passed Inslee’s income tax bill

Democrats just passed Inslee's income tax bill. We're committed to stopping it and any kind of future income tax. Are you?Democrats just passed Inslee's income tax bill (SSB 5096). Once Pandora’s box is opened, an income tax on some of us will quickly hit all of us....

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This Wednesday, will my 1st Amendment rights survive?

This Wednesday, will my 1st Amendment rights survive?

This Wednesday, the judge will rule on my case. Will my 1st Amendment rights survive? Also, huge free speech victory on Saturday, no arrests, government backed down. I exercised my First Amendment rights 2 days ago in Olympia -- will that be the last time I'm allowed...

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Will Tim Eyman & Glen Morgan get arrested today?

Will Tim Eyman & Glen Morgan get arrested today?

Will Tim Eyman & Glen Morgan get arrested today for committing an "Act of Free Speech?" 12pm-1pm at the Capitol in Olympia next to the fountain!Glen is one of my heroes. He'll speak first and then me and then others. We will all be committing acts of free speech...

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WATCH my short testimony defending the 2nd Amendment

WATCH my short testimony defending the 2nd Amendment

      WATCH my short testimony defending the 2nd Amendment -- my run for Governor allowed people to see all the issues I care about, not just taxes. Earlier this week, there was a ZOOM public hearing on Senate Bill 5078 which imposes a 10 round cap on...

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Watch my testimony to OPEN WA NOW!

Watch my testimony to OPEN WA NOW!

We're doing everything we can to fight back against Inslee's one-man government. Last week, there was a ZOOM public hearing on Senate Bill 5114 which would end Inslee's lockdown. I'm incredibly pleased that so many joined in and testified too.  WATCH THIS VERY SHORT...

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For years, Democrat AG Bob Ferguson and his cheerleaders in the media have lied about me over and over and over again.It's what they do to conservatives who are effective.Working together, we've qualified 17 statewide initiatives.Every one of them limited the...

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Watch My Testimony Defending Tax Advisory Votes.

Watch My Testimony Defending Tax Advisory Votes.

Yesterday was the ZOOM public hearing on the Democrats-take-away-the-people's-right-to-vote bill (Senate Bill 5182). So pleased that so many of you emailed legislators opposing it and joined in and testified against it also.  WATCH THIS VERY SHORT VIDEO of my...

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Initiative 976 easily qualified for a public vote when we collected and turned in 352,000 voter signatures.Then $5 million was spent by opponents who violated the law against taxpayer money being spent opposing a ballot measure:Our side aggressively defended it...

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Easy choices for me: Loren Culp (Gov), Joshua Freed (write-in Lt Gov), Matt Larkin (AG), Kim Wyman (Sec of State), Duane Davidson (Treasurer), Chris Leyba (Auditor), Maia Espinoza (Superintendent of Public Instruction), Sue Kuehl Pederson (Public Lands Commissioner)

Easy choices for me: Loren Culp (Gov), Joshua Freed (write-in Lt Gov), Matt Larkin (AG), Kim Wyman (Sec of State), Duane Davidson (Treasurer), Chris Leyba (Auditor), Maia Espinoza (Superintendent of Public Instruction), Sue Kuehl Pederson (Public Lands Commissioner)

Filling out my general election ballot is going to be very easy:   GOVERNOR: Jay Inslee or Loren Culp?Easy choice for me: Loren Culp. LT GOVERNOR: Denny Heck or Marko Liias or Joshua Freed?Easy choice for me: Write-In Joshua Freed.(he's officially filed for the...

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Here’s How Tonight Is Gonna Go

Here’s How Tonight Is Gonna Go

I tried to EARN your vote by out working and out hustling everyone else. That's what 22 years in the arena taught me. Join me/us in Kenmore from 7pm - 11pm for Victory Celebration (polls close at 8pm but I'll be giving my victory speech at 7:40 pm so be there early)....

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Watch this 30 second ad for Tim4Gov campaign

Watch this 30 second ad for Tim4Gov campaign

Watch this 30 second ad for Tim4Gov campaign:Donate NOW so we can air it on social media & TV! Superstar endorser Liz Pike put on a fantastic event in Camas yesterday -- so proud to have her enthusiastic support:Many longtime friends were there. And I made many...

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Sign-waving yesterday above I-5 near Everett -- lots of honks, lots of support, the best volunteers EVER!Highlight of the day for me was Roslyn:Roslyn is a fighter too:I'm so grateful to Steve and Tiffany and their great kids for taking a break from their vacation in...

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PICS & VIDEO from Rally in the Tri-Cities yesterday.

PICS & VIDEO from Rally in the Tri-Cities yesterday.

It was fantastic visiting with so many great people yesterday in the Tri-Cities:  After the crowd left, we got a pic with the greatest volunteer team EVER:WATCH THIS VIDEO of Sunday's Rally:Guess who stole the show? Her first name starts with "R" and ends with...

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TODAY: lawsuit challenging Inslee mask mandate.

TODAY: lawsuit challenging Inslee mask mandate.

My campaign for Governor is pedal-to-the-metal. I believe in permanent offense.TODAY: lawsuit challenging Inslee mask mandate.TUES: defending $30 Tabs in high court.WED: hitting Inslee on huge national issue. The South Dakota Governor didn't shut down her state -- she...

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Like All Bullies, Jay Inslee Is Weak And Insecure

Like All Bullies, Jay Inslee Is Weak And Insecure

Like all bullies, Jay Inslee is weak and insecure.Jay Inslee took $5 million from taxpayers to run for President. He loved the attention it brought him, especially the fawning media coverage. But after months and months of spending other people's money (taxpayer money...

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I’m the only candidate challenging Jay Inslee who …

I’m the only candidate challenging Jay Inslee who …

Jay Inslee: * Fired over a million people by declaring them non-essential* Sent in SWAT teams whenever a small business owner tried to take care of his/her employees and service their customers* Provided Nigerian princes immediate service, while forcing SINGLE MOMS TO...

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Help get Referendum 90 over the finish line.

Help get Referendum 90 over the finish line.

Please help get Referendum 90 over the finish line -- the campaign to overturn Inslee's horrible sex ed for kids law wants your R-90 petitions sent in this week (the campaign has already made an appointment to turn in their petitions on Wed, June 10 @ 2:30pm in...

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3 single moms have the guts to stand up to Jay Inslee.

3 single moms have the guts to stand up to Jay Inslee.

3 single moms have the guts to stand up to Jay Inslee. Their lawsuit is about opening schools for all kids in all 39 counties. So all of us need to be there to back them up. OPEN SCHOOLS NOW. Court hearing and rally is Fri, June 5, 9am-11am, Lewis County. LET'S PACK...

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Join me Fri, 12pm, Temple of Justice, Olympia: press conference about OPEN SCHOOLS NOW lawsuit. Chance to hear from parent plaintiffs, attorney Joel Ard, Rep. Jim Walsh, me, and others. Everyone is welcome.

Join me Fri, 12pm, Temple of Justice, Olympia: press conference about OPEN SCHOOLS NOW lawsuit. Chance to hear from parent plaintiffs, attorney Joel Ard, Rep. Jim Walsh, me, and others. Everyone is welcome.

Friday, May 8, 12-12:30pm, 500 Columbia St NW, Olympia, on the steps of the Temple of Justice (state supreme court). Press conference about OPEN SCHOOLS NOW lawsuit. Chance to hear from parent plaintiffs, attorney Joel Ard, Rep. Jim Walsh, me, and others. Everyone is...

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HISTORY IS REPEATING ITSELF. 57 years ago, there was another governor who blocked children from being educated. ​ That was June 11, 1963. Fast forward to now. Last Friday, May 1st, the federal government gave all 50 states the green light to reopen. But instead of...

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PRESS RELEASE: Tim Eyman, Candidate for Governor, is part of a team of plaintiffs filing a federal lawsuit today against Jay Inslee to force the end of his politically-motivated lockdown of Washington citizens and businesses.

PRESS RELEASE: Tim Eyman, Candidate for Governor, is part of a team of plaintiffs filing a federal lawsuit today against Jay Inslee to force the end of his politically-motivated lockdown of Washington citizens and businesses.

Download Press Release      Follow Tim on Twitter FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Tim Eyman, Candidate for Governor, is part of a team of plaintiffs filing a federal lawsuit today against Jay Inslee to force the end of his politically-motivated lockdown of Washington citizens...

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NO $30 TABS! Because of Bob Ferguson

NO $30 TABS! Because of Bob Ferguson

None of us will be getting $30 tabs. It was supposed to happen today. It didn’t. Why? Because of Bob Ferguson. If he had filed his response on Wednesday like attorney Stephen Pidgeon did, it would have taken an action by the supreme court to extend the injunction. And...

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Wednesday, March 24, 2020): Bellingham council President Gene Knutson calls Tim Eyman an “Ass Hole” and describes local residents wanting to testify against anti-2nd Amendment provisions as a “clown show.”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Wednesday, March 24, 2020): Bellingham council President Gene Knutson calls Tim Eyman an “Ass Hole” and describes local residents wanting to testify against anti-2nd Amendment provisions as a “clown show.”

Governor candidate and long-time Washington policy advocate, Tim Eyman elicited a meltdown among Bellingham city council members at Monday’s meeting where they were passing emergency ordinances. Eyman and a group of Bellingham residents attended to speak against...

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I will not be nice and respectful of Jay Inslee

I will not be nice and respectful of Jay Inslee

Watch the video above to hear my closing statement at Governor's debate on Friday. I want your feedback -- what do you think?  Our side is too nice. We've done nice. We've done respectful. It didn't work. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and...

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I will not be nice and respectful of Jay Inslee

I will not be nice and respectful of Jay Inslee

Watch the video above to hear my closing statement at Governor’s debate on Friday. I want your feedback — what do you think? Our side is too nice. We’ve done nice. We’ve done respectful. It didn’t work. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over...

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Inslee issues threat: government won’t fix homelessness if voters pass I-976. Good ol’ Jay, he’s got a secret plan to solve homelessness but he won’t implement it unless voters reject 976.

Inslee issues threat: government won’t fix homelessness if voters pass I-976. Good ol’ Jay, he’s got a secret plan to solve homelessness but he won’t implement it unless voters reject 976.

This KOMO poll showed 85% support for our initiative to limit car tab taxes to $30: So it's no surprise that the stratospheric level of public support for I-976 has made Jay Inslee's brain explode: As reported in the Kitsap Sun and posted on my Facebook page: For...

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TOTALLY ILLEGAL: Government itself is using tax dollars to directly fund the No976 campaign. Will the AG prosecute? Ya, right! I-976 only way to fight government dishonesty & lawlessness

TOTALLY ILLEGAL: Government itself is using tax dollars to directly fund the No976 campaign. Will the AG prosecute? Ya, right! I-976 only way to fight government dishonesty & lawlessness

Toby Nixon: "This mailer is absolutely, positively, without a doubt, a blatant violation of state law." Check out what landed in mailboxes yesterday:   Last week, Toby Nixon posted this: “RCW 42.17A.555 is a broad prohibition on using public resources for campaigning....

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NEED YOUR ADVICE: plz watch 976 debate and give me your feedback – strengths? weaknesses? Politicians lied so often, so easily, so effortlessly. They’re every bit as dishonest as this vehicle tax.

NEED YOUR ADVICE: plz watch 976 debate and give me your feedback – strengths? weaknesses? Politicians lied so often, so easily, so effortlessly. They’re every bit as dishonest as this vehicle tax.

I need your advice: please watch 976 debate and give me your feedback - strengths? weaknesses? After you watch it, you'll understand why I'm so certain that 65% of voters will approve I-976 and pass in all 39 counties. Here it is: https://tinyurl.com/976GreatDebate...

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President Trump endorses $30 Tabs!

President Trump endorses $30 Tabs!

I've been traveling all over the state promoting our $30 Tabs Initiative I-976 and getting signatures for our Term Limits on Taxes Initiative I-1082 (#Round2). It's been a blast. I was born and raised Yakima so it's very special for me to visit my hometown. I'm super...

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