I worked at the Snohomish County GOP booth on Friday (7 hours) and Saturday (4 hours). Since I’m infamous, a lot of folks asked for pics. I included two here. That first one is with Stewart and his son Ethan who I met. And that’s me giving Sharon a big smooch when she said she loved me (well, I love her too).
Fair attendees could not have been more supportive. Folks were lining up to sign petitions. Everyone is spittin’ mad about their skyrocketing vehicle tab taxes.
Activists in the booth with me (Debbie, Mark, Maria, Jeannette, and so many others) were super enthusiastic about asking people to sign petitions.
And that’s the key to success: voters NEED TO BE ASKED to sign. Putting petitions on the counter is important. But voters need to be asked “Have you had a chance to sign our $30 Tabs Initiative? We’re just trying to get it on the ballot so voters can vote on it.”
I heard Leonard at the main entrance say it over and over again: “Sign a petition for $30 Tabs so voters can vote on it. Just trying to get it on the ballot.”
At their big meeting in Spokane this weekend, the State GOP endorsed our $30 Tabs Initiative. Special thanks to super supporter Randy Hayden for guiding Initiative 947 through the process. Randy said all the GOP county chairs and committee members were super enthusiastic about endorsing it. But most importantly, they all picked up handfuls of blank petitions to take back to their counties.
This is by far the fastest start we’ve ever had for an initiative campaign. The timing couldn’t be better. We just need to build on that momentum.
DO WHAT THESE SUPPORTERS HAVE DONE: Over 200 people have already taken advantage of my offer to get them as many petitions as they want. It’s real easy: just hit “reply” to this email and let me know how many petitions you want, your address, and your phone number. I will find an Office Depot, Staples, Minuteman Press, or Kinko’s near you, order the petitions for you, and all you need to do is pick them up. You can get 3 petitions for less than a $1. You can get 10 petitions for less than $3. You can get 100 petitions for $30. It’s dirt cheap with super fast turnaround. You can pick up your petitions in an hour. It is a petition distribution revolution that more and more supporters are taking advantage of.
The greatest threat to this initiative’s signature drive is OVERCONFIDENCE. Having qualified 16 initiatives for a statewide public vote over the years, we’ve made it seem easy. It’s not. It’s really tough. The only way we’re gonna make it is with a massive grassroots effort where everyone does their part to help.
Help us make it happen.