Add your voice – join other anti-income-tax folks and send me your written testimony against the Democrats’ capital gains income tax

by | Feb 15, 2018

A huge number of heroic supporters have emailed me their written testimony against the Democrats’ capital gains income tax. Your passion and revulsion to House Bill 2967 comes through loud and clear. The hearing in Olympia on this godawful legislation is tomorrow at 8am.

IF YOU HAVEN’T ALREADY, please add your voice to the chorus.

Democrats have been plotting and scheming and conniving for years to open up the Pandora’s box of an income tax in our state. They’ve already taxed us to the max with every other pick-your-pocket scams and so they’re on the hunt for fresh meat.

It will quickly hit every taxpayer at every income level if they establish an income tax foothold.

And we must always remember that when it comes to the legislative process, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Stopping them from imposing it is a heck of a lot easier than fighting it out in court for years and years.

Besides, it would be foolish for us to rely on judges to save us from what is clearly an unconstitutional income tax.

If you haven’t sent me your statement yet, DO IT RIGHT NOW!!!

Here’s a sample:

Madame chair and members of the committee, my name is _____ and I live in _______, Washington. Here is my written testimony explaining why I strongly oppose House Bill 2967 which imposes a new capital gains income tax.

* First and foremost, I am against any new taxes coming out of Olympia this year — state and local governments have gone absolutely bonkers raising taxes in recent years. There needs to be a break and a pause in all the tax-raising.
* The state budget office has determined that HB 2967’s massive tax increase will cost taxpayers $8.2 billion over the next 10 years. And that assumes it won’t be raised later which is an absolute certainty.
* Everyone knows that this is the camel’s nose under the tent and that HB 2967’s income tax will eventually expand and be imposed on everyone at every income level.
* No one believes that any tax increase will result in a different tax being lowered — with government, taxes only go up, they never go down.
* Nine times the voters have rejected an income tax — stop trying to impose a tax the voters clearly oppose.
* It is simply unsustainable for state and local governments to continually increase taxes year after year after year. There’s only so much money in the taxpayers’ take-home pay to confiscate.
* State and local governments are swimming in tax revenues — it’s long past time for you to make due with what you’re already taking from us.
* We don’t want an income tax. I urge you to listen to the folks pullin’ the wagon and reject HB 2967’s capital gains income tax.
Your name, your city, your email address

Send me an email with the above (or something like the above) and I’ll make copies and have them distributed at tomorrow’s hearing.

Providing me with your written testimony will really help — BUT IT’S ONLY EFFECTIVE IF WE ALL DO IT. If you have any problem, just email me and I’ll help you any way I can. OK?
After 20 years of fighting for taxpayers, we’ve learned that the most effective way to fight the Democrats’ tax-hiking schemes is by taking our case directly to the people. That’s why we’re moving full steam ahead with We Don’t Want An Income Tax. It prohibits the state and local governments from imposing any kind of income tax, especially a capital gains income tax.

Jack, Mike, and I are committed to protecting taxpayers. But we can’t do it alone. We need everyone’s help.