Columnist reminds us that the fight continues
When the fiscal cliff can be seen in your own state
BILL VIRGIN; Contributing writer, TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE, NOVEMBER 25, 2012
Washington voters may have thought they had, for the moment, swatted away some threats of higher taxes by passing yet another Tim Eyman initiative with more votes in favor than almost any other candidate or measure. … Anyone out there in Readerland want to set the over-under on how soon the idea of a “limited” state income tax is seriously revived? … So what’s the big deal – other than it’s our money? The fact that it is our money is enough to make it a big deal. Times are tough for government? Times are tough all over, for individuals, for families, for businesses trying to sustain the jobs they have. … The (tax) bill is sizable and could get larger still; as much as you might like to lay aside political fights for a while, constant vigilance is required if you don’t want the bite to become any worse.