Join me Fri, Feb 7, 830am court hearing on I-976 in Seattle. Watch the people’s attorney Stephen Pidgeon fight for us (while AG continues sabotaging the case)

by | Feb 7, 2020

Please join me/us Fri, Feb 7, for King County’s Kangaroo Court hearing on I-976, the $30 Tabs Initiative. The King County courthouse is at 516 3rd Ave, 7th floor, Seattle. Since seating is limited, I strongly urge everyone to be there at 8:30am when the courtroom doors open (the hearing itself starts at 9am).

The people are going to benefit from having one attorney — Stephen Pidgeon — in there because he is actually trying to win the case. His legal briefs have been top-notch and his legal arguments in favor of I-976 are top notch. He makes the plaintiffs (like Seattle government and King County government) look like idiots when it comes to the initiative’s clear compliance with the single subject rule and the sufficiency of the ballot title.


But in that same courtroom will be Bob Ferguson continuing his sabotage of I-976 which gets rid of Sound Transit’s dishonest tax and dishonest vehicle valuation schedule. But in another case, Bob Ferguson is defending Sound Transit’s dishonest tax and dishonest vehicle valuation schedule. Bob Ferguson’s clear conflict necessitated that he recuse himself and his office and name outside counsel as Sen. Steve O’Ban emphatically recommended days after Seattle announced its lawsuit.

Bob Ferguson stayed on so that he could sabotage I-976 from within.

Sabotage Evidence #1: This case is stuck in a Seattle courtroom because Bob Ferguson purposely refused to file for a change a venue. So now a King County judge — whose employer is the plaintiff – is deciding this case only because Bob Ferguson wanted it that way.

Sabotage Evidence #2: the people are stuck with a Jay-Inslee-appointed judge — who lives in Seattle, is listed on the voter rolls as “soft Democrat”, and is Facebook friends with Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes who is also a plaintiff — because Bob Ferguson purposely refused to file an affidavit of prejudice on this obviously conflicted judge.

And Sabotage Evidence #3: when this biased judge asked the AG what section 12 of I-976 did, he said “I don’t know.” (KIRO radio’s Todd Herman was livid:

All of us are rightly upset with the AG’s blatant sabotage:


I hope to see you at King County’s Kangaroo Court tomorrow (Fri, Feb 7, 830am, 516 3rd Ave, 7th Floor, Seattle). It’s really important we have as many pro-$30 tabs voters there as possible. There is strength in numbers. Let’s stand together at this critical time.

Please do 2 things right now:

1) If you appreciate my efforts defending our $30 Tabs Initiative, please donate $30 to my run for Governor (go here and do it right now: I guarantee that you donating $30 today will drive Bob Ferguson absolutely nuts.

2) Forward/share today’s update and this “one page” about my race for Governor: Contact people you know who can’t stand the idea of 4 more years of Jay Inslee. Ask them to kick in $30. You are my ambassadors, you are my emissaries. We’re building an extraordinary team and we need everyone’s help to make sure this campaign a success.

Isn’t it worth $30 to drive Bob Ferguson crazy? If you agree, then donate $30 today ( and convince others to do the same.

I make you this promise: support me in this effort and I’ll give you a race for Governor like you’ve never seen before.

I love you all.


P.S. Support my efforts to defend I-976 by donating $30 today: And please forward this update and this “one page” to your family, friends, and co-workers ( Thanks very much.

You can mail checks to:

Governor Tim Eyman for WA State
PO Box 2107
Olympia, WA, 98507
Make sure to write your occupation & employer on the memo line – if retired, write “retired”

Online donations: