Am I a “serial offender” of the state’s reporting laws as the AG says? Nope.
The AG and his cheerleaders in the media have been lying about me for years. During the trial, Richard Sanders’ questions and my answers very clearly established my commitment to passing our conservative initiatives and proved that it is a total lie that I’m a “serial offender” of the state’s reporting laws (far from it):
Mr. Eyman, what was the first statewide initiative you sponsored in Washington State? I-200 – limiting affirmative action.
What year was that? 1997
Who was the treasurer? Rep. Scott Smith
Did you receive any compensation for doing that initiative? No.
Was there a campaign reporting complaint made against it? No.
What was your next initiative? I-691 – lower car tabs
Year? 1998
Treasurer? Dave McGregor
Compensation? No.
Complaint? No.
What was your next initiative? I-695 – $30 License Tab Initiative.
Year? 1999
Treasurer? Dave McGregor
Compensation? No.
Complaint? No
Your next initiative? I-722 – 2% Cap on Property Tax Increases
Year? 2000
Treasurer? Suzanne Karr
Compensation? Yes.
How much? The campaign reports showed payments totaling $60,616.40
Complaint? No
Your next initiative? I-747 – 1% Cap on Property Tax Increases.
Year? 2001
Treasurer? Suzanne Karr
Did you receive any compensation from the political committee for doing that initiative? Yes.
How much? The campaign reports showed payments totaling $158,697.78
Was there a campaign complaint made against it? No. But in early February 2002, I called a reporter for the Associated Press and disclosed that the payments to me on those reports were my salary. Following that, the PDC investigated, referred the case to the AG, and we settled the case. Of the $158K I received in 2001, $40K went to taxes, $70K went to my lawyers, and $55K went to the State in fines from the agreed upon settlement (in other words, all $158K went away).
Your next initiative to the people? I-776 – $30 Tabs Initiative.
Year? 2002
Treasurer? Royce Benham
Compensation? No.
Complaint? No
What was your next initiative to the people? I-807 – bring back tax limits that I-601 previously required and the Legislature took away.
Year? 2003
Treasurer? Stan Long
Compensation? Yes
How much? $46,396.24
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-892 – lower property taxes.
Year? 2004
Treasurer? Stan Long
Compensation? Yes
How much? $43,400
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-900 – Performance Audits of Government Initiative (the 900 pound gorilla):
I-900, the 900 pound gorilla, was overwhelmingly approved by voters.
Year? 2005
Treasurer? Stan Long
Compensation? Yes.
How much? $106,525
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-917 – Bring Back Our $30 Tabs
Year? 2006
Treasurer? Stan Long
Compensation? Yes
How much? $86,742.66
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-960 – Bring back 2/3-vote-to-raise-taxes initiative
Year? 2007
Treasurer? Stan Long
Compensation? Yes
How much? $70,000
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-985 Reduce Traffic Congestion Initiative
Year? 2008
Treasurer? Stan Long
Did you loan any of your own money to that campaign? Yes.
How much? I borrowed $250,000 from a line of credit secured by our home.
Compensation? Yes
How much? $125,338.48
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-1033 Lower Property Taxes Initiative
Year? 2009
Treasurer? Stan Long
Did you loan any of your own money to that campaign? Yes.
How much? I borrowed $250,000 from that line of credit.
Compensation? Yes
How much? $66,025.25
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-1053 Bring back 2/3-vote-to-raise-taxes initiative
Official bill signing photo after Gregoire repealed 2/3-vote-for-taxes requirement
Year? 2010
Treasurer? Stan Long
Did you loan any of your own money to that campaign? Yes.
How much? I borrowed $250,000 from a line of credit.
Compensation? Yes
How much? $72,142.32
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-1125 Traffic Improvement Initiative
Year? 2011
Treasurer? Stan Long
Did you loan any of your own money to that campaign? No, was still trying to get 2010 loan paid back
Compensation? Yes
How much? $48,337.22
Complaint? No
The next initiative? I-1185 Protect the 2/3-vote-to-raise-taxes initiative
Year? 2012
Treasurer? Stan Long
Did you loan any of your own money to that campaign? No. But I did finally get the 2010 loan repaid
Compensation? Yes
How much? $57,972.67
Complaint? Yes (this case)
The next initiative? I-517 Protect Your Right to Vote on Initiatives
Year? 2012
Treasurer? Stan Long
Compensation? No
Complaint? Yes (this case)
What was your next initiative that qualified for a vote? I-1366 – 2/3-vote-for-tax-increases Constitutional Amendment Initiative
Year? 2015
Treasurer? Barbara Smith
Compensation? Yes
How much? $46,857.86
Complaint? No
What was your next initiative that qualified for a vote? I-976 – $30 Tabs Initiative
Year? 2018
Treasurer? Barbara Smith
Did you loan any of your own money to that campaign? Yes.
How much? Karen and I sold off our family’s retirement fund and loaned $500,000 to kick-start the signature drive.
How much is still owed to you on that one? $486,000
Did you receive any compensation for the 3 years you spent qualifying, promoting, and passing I-976 and defending it in court? Yes
How much? $10,736
Complaint? No
Did you run for Governor? Yes
Year? 2020
Treasurer? Sarah Eckert
Did you receive any compensation in your campaign for Governor? No.
Were there complaints filed against it? Yes, but they were all dismissed.
I was paying close attention to your answers and it sounded to me like you’ve had a large number of political committees that never received a complaint, is that right? 2012 was the first (Stan Long was the treasurer).
The State characterizes you as a serial offender of our State’s reporting laws, is that true? It’s not true.
— END —
As you can see, this exchange really shows my commitment to passing our conservative initiatives.
And even more importantly, it really shows why the AG is trying so hard to impose a lifetime ban on all my future political activity.
I really need your help — the massive costs resulting from the AG’s lawsuit are overwhelming. If they take me out, who will dare challenge them?
I am appealing these ridiculously unconstitutional restrictions on the First Amendment to make sure what he’s doing to me never happens to anyone else ever again.
I am so incredibly grateful for your prayers and support during this very difficult time for me and my family.
I’m only here because of the love and support of thousands of great people who see this gross injustice and are willing to help stop it.
Please donate to my legal defense fund here:
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By PayPal
By Credit/Debit
Thanks everyone.
I love you all.
P.S. I’ve never needed your help more than now. Please donate to my legal defense fund today.
[…] former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws and…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws…
[…] is deserving of its cherished reputation? With this unfathomable, fiction-worthy, but factual episode playing out in Washington, perhaps the rank hypocrisy…
[…] In the past 22 years, by working together with our thousands of heroic supporters, we’ve qualified 17 statewide initiatives…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious…