CORRECTED: The great leaders at the Freedom Foundation filed an amicus in my case. They really helped me because they exposed something the judge wouldn’t allow.

Mon, June 27, 2022

I am appealing the ridiculously unconstitutional ruling that the AG wrote and the judge rubber-stamped (the judge didn’t make a single change to what the AG wanted).

The 10 years of investigation, litigation, and persecution by the PDC and the AG has cost me every penny I’ve ever earned in my lifetime.

It’s all gone. 

It cost me my home in Mukilteo:

On top of that, they imposed a $5.4 million fine (insane!).

On top of that, and for the rest of my life, I have been judicially determined to no longer be a person — I am now formally designated as a “political committee.”

That’s never happened in Washington state history or US history for one individual to be designated a political committee.

What does it mean, as a person, to be a political committee?

It means for the rest of my life, I must have a treasurer report monthly all the money I receive (whether it’s related to politics or not) and all money I spend (whether it’s related to politics or not).


And since it is illegal for a political committee to spend any of its funds for “personal use”, it is illegal for that treasurer to spend my own money (if I had any) for personal expenses (rent, food, family costs, etc).

When I explain that to people, they ask a simple follow up question:

“So how is that supposed to work?”

The answer: it’s not supposed to.

It’s a financial death sentence.

Some have made the obvious observation that all of the above might be a tad excessive for a campaign reporting dispute.

It is a simple disagreement between the treasurer for our political committee who made the decision that these transactions didn’t need to be reported and the PDC/AG/judge disagreeing.

And since the treasurer is legally liable for the reporting, it’s completely unprecedented that the government not only didn’t target the treasurer, they never even interviewed him!

For nearly 60 years, such an interpretation of the law had never been TRIED before (and never been OK’d by a court before).

So my attorney Richard Sanders made an obvious request.

He asked the judge to allow us to show how completely disproportionate these proposed penalties were compared to how other cases handled by the PDC/AG/the courts in the past.

Ferguson opposed Richard’s request.

And the judge obediently followed the AG — he wouldn’t allow any examples or comparisons to be entered into the court’s record.

Months later, the judge also rubber-stamped the AG’s laundry list of restrictions on my First Amendment rights and the financial devastation against me and my family.

This is one of the many reasons the ruling is being appealed.

But up until now, nowhere in the court record were there any examples of how out-of-whack this ruling was compared to other cases.

Until now.

The great leaders at the Freedom Foundation filed an amicus brief in my case.

And in it, they expose the disparate treatment I’ve received by highlighting other cases.

You can read it here (click on the image to pull it up):

If that doesn’t work, click here.

Without their amicus, the higher courts wouldn’t have had to wrestle with these comparisons.

Now they’ll have to.

The leaders of the Freedom Foundation will always have my sincerest appreciation for helping the case by filing their brief.

Please help me fight back against Fascist Fergie by donating to my legal defense fund today:

Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By Credit/Debit

And now a message from Larry Jensen & Sid Maietto:

We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can keep fighting for taxpayers with Jim Walsh’s initiative I-1491, the STOP ALL INCOME TAXES INITIATIVE. 

The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:

Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense I-1491” — to: Permanent Offense, PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online:

Kindest Regards, 

Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen

— END —

Thanks everyone.

Larry, Tim, & Sid

P.S. Please — I urge you to donate to my legal defense fund today:

Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By PayPal
By Credit/Debit