Great news story about my lawsuits that stopped those 5 liberal initiatives. HUGE VICTORY IN COURT.
— END —
This was a crushing victory for taxpayers and a humiliating defeat for the AG and his PIGS.
For 10 years, Bob Ferguson has violated the neutrality law for initiatives — when it’s an initiative he supports that is sponsored by his PIGS, the ballot titles he assigns are fluffy, positive, and hide the destructive policies in them.
But when it’s an initiative he opposes that is sponsored by a political adversary, he bends-over-backwards to sabotage it.
Case in point:
My 5 lawsuits against these 5 liberal initiatives weren’t against the initiative sponsor — they all challenged Bob Ferguson for violating the neutrality law on all 5 initiatives.
And when Judge Thomas sided with me and against him, the AG simply couldn’t believe it.
Because he’s not accustomed to losing in court.
But this time he did.
Too often some on our side say “the system is rigged so why try?”
Well, you’ll never win unless you’re willing to try.
I continue to try because I believe in:
The PIGS were counting on having 2 months to collect signatures by the July 8th deadline but because I ran out the clock, they couldn’t even print petitions!
And because I tried, I not only beat Bob Ferguson in court, I was able to expose his repeated violations of the neutrality law.
Bob Ferguson wants me to just throw up my hands and give up.
I refuse to do that.
But I need everyone’s help to get the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling overturned so this never happens to anyone else ever again.
Please donate to my legal defense fund today:
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By PayPal
By Credit/Debit
And now a message from Larry Jensen & Sid Maietto:
We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can keep fighting for taxpayers with Jim Walsh’s initiative I-1491, the STOP ALL INCOME TAXES INITIATIVE.
The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:
Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense I-1491” — to: Permanent Offense, PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online:
Kindest Regards,
Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen
— END —
Thanks everyone.
Larry, Tim, & Sid
P.S. Please — I urge you to donate to my legal defense fund today:
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By PayPal
By Credit/Debit
[…] former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws and…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws…
[…] is deserving of its cherished reputation? With this unfathomable, fiction-worthy, but factual episode playing out in Washington, perhaps the rank hypocrisy…
[…] In the past 22 years, by working together with our thousands of heroic supporters, we’ve qualified 17 statewide initiatives…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious…