Overwhelming support for appealing the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional rulings.
Tues, Feb 8, 2022
From an article by conservative activist Glen Morgan:
“The weirdest part about the AG’s litigation against Eyman was their novel theories invented exclusively for him … Eyman was raising funds for himself around 2013 or so when he realized the AG would be coming after him.
Since Eyman and I were often at the same events, I remember Eyman making these appeals to people and very clearly raising money for himself. I didn’t realize back then why he was raising those funds, and how important those monies would be for him in the future. This was prudent planning on his part because these funds built up over the years and totaled over $700,000. Yet this was still not enough to cover all his legal costs once the AG started the full court persecution process.
The State was angry that Eyman did not report the money he raised for himself and they claimed that THOSE funds should also be reported to the PDC. This was a bizarre direction to go because no treasurer would have counted those as campaign contributions. It would have been illegal to report them as such since they clearly were not intended to be spent on any political campaign.
The State has never interpreted the law this way in the past, and only a corrupted Thurston County judge would accept that legal theory.
The State pretended that Eyman was a walking talking PAC, and therefore all the money he raised and sent to his attorneys was not reported and was late.
Since these reports are now years late, Eyman gets a massive fine for not reporting funds that no honest, literate, or sane person would have reported in the first place.
— END —
I’m very grateful to the thousands of people who helped us over the past 9 years.
We never would’ve made it this far without everyone’s help.
There has been overwhelming support for appealing the AG’s absurd ruling:
“You MUST appeal. Can’t let ’em get away w/ it.” — Jeff P. ($100)
“Best wishes and good luck” — Robert E. ($200)
“Sorry it cannot be more … we’re unemployed!! Prayers” — Constance C. ($15)
“Keep up the GREAT work!” — Derry F. ($50)
“You are in our prayers. We have a mighty God!” — Kerry T. ($100)
“Thanks for what you do, I heard you on 770 KTTH Todd Herman this morning.” — Taurean C. ($500)
“God bless you and your family, Tim” — Doris C. ($25)
I’m so grateful for the help we’ve received over the past 9 years. It means alot.
I just want to make sure everyone knows this: we still have a long way to go.
We need your help to survive Bully Bob Ferguson’s persecution.
I am appealing these ridiculously unconstitutional restrictions on the First Amendment to make sure what the AG is doing to me never happens to anyone else ever again.
Please donate to my legal defense fund here:
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By PayPal
By Credit/Debit
In addition, we worked really hard on our $30 Tabs Initiative:
Karen and I sacrificed a lot — we sold off our retirement fund to kickstart its signature drive:
And now a message from Larry Jensen & Sid Maietto:
We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can keep fighting for taxpayers with initiatives sponsored by the three of us (Tim, Sid, & Larry).
The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:
Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense” — to: Permanent Offense, PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online: PermanentOffense.com
Kindest Regards,
Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen
— END —
Thanks everyone.
We love you all.
Larry, Tim, & Sid
P.S. Please donate to my legal defense fund today:
Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By PayPal
By Credit/Debit
[…] former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws and…
[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious legal flaws…
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[…] While former Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders did an admirable job defending Mr. Eyman and pointing out the obvious…