Polls close @8pm, but no need to wait: I formally declare victory NOW on our 3 tax advisory votes. Voters got to learn about & vote on 3 tax hikes.

Tues, Nov 2nd, 2021

In 2007, 2010, and 2012, voters overwhelmingly passed our initiatives which required, among other taxpayer protection policies, tax advisory votes (I-960, I-1053, & I-1185 which got more votes than any initiative in state history).

The powerful, the press, and the politicians hate ’em — of course they do — it is their mission to keep secret how much the government takes from you.

And tax advisory votes make that impossible.


In the voters pamphlet and on the ballot this year, it lists every time Jay Inslee broke his repeated promise to veto any tax increase.

It shows how each politician voted on each tax increase and it lists their names, city they live in, party affiliation, email address, and phone number. It provides the state budget office’s official 10-year cost projection on each tax increase.

And voters get to vote on each tax increase that the Legislature unilaterally imposed and blocked from a citizen referendum by slapping an emergency clause on it.

When politicians whine about voters calling them and asking them about tax advisory votes, I have to laugh. That’s called voter feedback and that’s what you say you want.

Politicians often say “I’m proud of how I voted – I’m not afraid to defend my votes” – OK, that’s exactly what you’re getting – not from 20 people who may attend a town hall meeting or a handful of people who call your office.

But with tax advisory votes, you get to hear from every single voter in the state of Washington and specifically ALL the voters in your district.

Polls close at 8pm but there’s no need to delay: I formally declare victory on Advisory Vote 37, 38, & 39.

Because regardless of the eventual vote totals, every voter in Washington – thanks to the voters pamphlet and the ballot – got to learn which taxes were raised, how much they’ll cost, and which legislators helped Jay Inslee break (again) his veto-any-tax-increase-promise.

Join me tonight at 7pm – I’ll be at the Bellevue Hyatt at Suite near the Wintergarden room (same place we were for I-976 in 2019). I’d love to meet you, shake your hand, and thank you for supporting our initiative efforts over the years.

We’re moving full steam ahead on Jim Walsh’s anti-income-tax initiative (I-1408) here and 7 Election Integrity Initiatives in 7 key swing states.

While I’m fighting to help our state and our nation with my initiative efforts, help me fight back against Fascist Fergie by donating to my legal defense fund so I can appeal the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional restrictions on the First Amendment:

Mail your check to: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online: TimDefense.com

Don’t let the guy who robbed us of our $30 tabs get away with this:

As you know, we worked really hard on Initiative 976:

Karen and I sacrificed a lot — we sold off our retirement fund to kick-start its signature drive:

And now, a message from Sid Maietto and Larry Jensen:

We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can stop all current and future income-based taxes with Jim Walsh’s Initiative 1408: 

The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:

Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense (I-1408)” — to: Permanent Offense (I-1408), PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online: PermanentOffense.com

Kindest Regards, 

Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen

— END —

Thanks everyone.

We love you all.

Larry, Tim, & Sid