Voting results on the Democrats’ 2 tax hikes show that WA taxpayers tapped out.

$3.9 billion Cap & Trade Tax Increase would’ve been overwhelmingly rejected by 60%+.

But Bob Ferguson blocked the people from voting on it. 

Mon, Nov 14, 2022

In 1999, voters passed our initiative that demanded that any tax increase get voter approval before taking effect.

Political judges took that away.

Voters in 2007, 2010, and 2012 passed our initiatives that demanded that any tax increase pass with a 2/3 legislative vote.

During all the years it was in effect, there were no tax increases!

Amazingly, our 2012 initiative received more votes than any initiative in state history — it got more votes than Obama got, more votes than Inslee got.

But 3 months later, political judges overturned 20 years of legal precedent and decided that the 2/3 vote requirement needed to be passed with a constitutional amendment. 

So voters in 2015 passed our initiative that demanded a constitutional amendment requiring a 2/3 legislative vote for tax increases. 

Political judges took that away too.

But our initiative’s overwhelming passage spurred the state senate Republicans to adopt a 2/3 rule for any tax increase … and that lasted for a couple of years until the Democrats took over.

Fortunately, our initiatives in 2007, 2010, 2012, and 2015 included a law that required that any time the Legislature raised taxes, the voters got the chance to vote on it with an advisory vote and they got 2 pages in the voters pamphlet describing the tax increase, detailing its short term and long term cost, and listing how legislators voted on it.

Here’s the newest update summarizing the results of all the votes on those tax increases over the years:

As you can see, the Democrats in 2022 imposed 3 tax increases:

1)  $14 million tax increase on aviation fuel (59% of voters rejected it)
2)  $315,000 tax increase on motor vehicles (53% of voters said no)
3)  $3.9 BILLION Cap & Trade Tax Increase

But we didn’t get to vote on #3.


Bob Ferguson.

He decided that the Cap & Trade’s $3.9 billion tax increase wasn’t really a tax increase and so he didn’t put it on the ballot.

So I filed a lawsuit against this corrupt AG:

It was a David versus Goliath battle.

Nonetheless, the lower court judge agreed with me that Ferguson was wrong and that the voters had the right to vote.

But then Ferguson conspired with political judges to block the people from voting on it.

Based on the voters’ rejection of the other 2 tax increases, 60%+ of voters would’ve rejected the Democrats’ $3.9 Billion Cap & Trade Tax Increase.

That’s why Ferguson worked so hard to block the people from voting on it.

But that lawsuit did succeed at exposing the AG’s corruption.

And that is another reason why Ferguson is working so hard to stop me/us.

Don’t let him get away with it.

Please support my legal defense fund so Richard can appeal this absurd ruling so this NEVER happens to anyone else and so I can continue to do what I was born to do.

Please donate today:

Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
By PayPal
By PayPal (credit/debit card)

With your help, I will keep fighting for the people across our nation with initiatives, lawsuits, lobbying, and helping elect more freedom-loving elected officials.

And now a message from Larry Jensen & Sid Maietto:

We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can keep fighting for taxpayers with Jim Walsh’s initiative I-1491, the STOP ALL INCOME TAXES INITIATIVE.

The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:

Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense I-1491” — to:
Permanent Offense, PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online:

Kindest Regards,

Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen

— END —

Thanks everyone.

Larry, Tim, & Sid

P.S. Again, please donate to my legal defense fund today:

Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
GiveSendGo (credit/debit card)
PayPal (credit/debit card)