While I continue fighting for taxpayers, Richard Sanders continues to handle my appeal of the AG’s ridiculously unconstitutional ruling. Please help.

Mon, June 6, 2022

I am incredibly fortunate to have former state supreme court justice Richard Sanders as my attorney.

He’s a principled man who has never hesitated to take on Bob Ferguson throughout this ordeal.

Richard is doing a phenomenal job handling my appeal.

Here’s his latest brief.

In it, he completely destroys the AG’s case and puts a bright spotlight on Ferguson’s many lies (click on image to read it):

If that doesn’t work, click here.

The excessive fine ($5.6 million — insane!), the lifetime ban on all my future political activity (crazy!), and that I, Tim Eyman personally, am forever designated a political committee (nuts!) are legal precedents that cannot be allowed to stand.

They must be appealed and overturned.

Because if they’re not, then they’ll be used against others.

Together, we can make sure that doesn’t happen. 

As I reported in July 2021, I used the last of my money to pay Richard’s firm to handle my appeal (I paid $35K to Richard’s law firm today. It drained me dry).

Since then, the legal bills have continued to accrue. 

I want to make sure that Richard receives the money he’s owed for the exceptional work he’s doing for all of us.  

And while that all-important appeal works its’ way through the system, I’m doing everything I can to give you VALUE for the help you’re providing to my legal defense fund.

* Promoting the STOP ALL INCOME TAXES INITIATIVE that eliminates the capital gains income tax and any kind of future income tax.


* Fighting (and winning) in court against those 5 liberal initiatives that are trying to increase the capital gains income tax EVEN HIGHER.

* Helping those Election Integrity Initiatives in 7 key swing states.

And more.

Please donate to my legal defense fund today:

Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By Credit/Debit

I’m only here is because of the love and support of folks like you who’ve watched this gross abuse of power by the AG and are willing to help me and my family get through this.

I love you all.

And now a message from Larry Jensen & Sid Maietto:

We’re asking folks to donate to our PAC so we can keep fighting for taxpayers with attorney Joel Ard’s initiative: STOP ALL INCOME TAXES. 

The taxpayers of Washington need our help now more than ever. Donate to our political committee so we can keep fighting for you:

Mail your check — made payable to “Permanent Offense I-1499” — to: Permanent Offense, PO Box 6151, Olympia, WA, 98507
Or donate online: PermanentOffense.com

Kindest Regards, 

Sid Maietto & Larry Jensen

— END —

Thanks everyone.

Larry, Tim, & Sid

P.S. Please — I urge you to donate to my legal defense fund today:

Mail-in donation: Tim Eyman Legal Defense Fund, 500 106th Ave NE #709, Bellevue, WA, 98004
Or donate online:
By Credit/Debit